Cannot reach your data

Hi @anon16419211 - thanks for your help!

Responds with a 204. Confirmed that it was the correct server via logs.

In fact, I do. I’m noticing CORS issues:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '<MY_HOST>/forest/accounts?fields%5B<FIELDS>&fields<MORE_FIELDS>&searchExtended=0&sort=name&timezone=America%2FPhoenix' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

I have the CORS_ORIGINS environment variable set to and the OPTIONS request for /forest/accounts returns Access-Control-Allow-Origin: Same issue with /forest/accounts/count request. Looks similar to this issue.

If it is a CORS issue, however, I don’t understand why the Heroku router is timing out…