How to relate and see data in "Related Data" tab in forest admin

In your case, the relation is a 1-1 relationship. As a consequence you can drag and drop a field, and not a relationship.

You should have a field named “authUser” or “accountingWallet” (depending on the collection you are configuring), you can drag and drop it into the summary view to display a link to the related element in your view.

If you want to customize the information that will be displayed in this field (instead of the id), you can:

  • Click on “Edit Layout”
  • Select the gear icon :gear: next to the name of the collection for which you want to display something else than the id
  • Select a “Reference field” (this field will be displayed instead of the id)

@GuillaumeGautreau Thanks a lot for helping :+1:, for now every thing is working as per our expectations.

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@GuillaumeGautreau We are unable to filter fields, when field is smart (see attachment).
any solution for that

Hello @Zaeem_Ahmad,

Can you open a new thread for this issue? It’s a new request, now that your relationships correctly show up in the app.