Pass Dropdown Inputs In SQL query 'LIKE'

Hello, after some tests, we have a bug on our side. We’ve created an urgent bug ticket to fix it :pray:
I’ll let you know when it’s fixed.

Hi @Jaspreet_Singh ,

We just discovered that depending on if you were using MySQL or Postgres, it changed the way of writing the query.
What database are you using ?

@shohanr We are using MySQL. Any updates? Sorry for late reply.

Hi @shohanr @Alban_Bertolini Gentle reminder

Hey @Jaspreet_Singh,

Could your try the following query:

select sum(donation_order.amount) as value from donation_order
inner join accounting_transaction
on accounting_transaction.order_id =
WHERE donation_order.return_url LIKE concat('%/', {{language_code.selectedValue}},  '/%');

@vince It seems to be working fine thanks.