Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

Hi @rohit_ja,

It is honestly hard to help you about your issue.
My understanding is that your CORS issue was supposed to be solved (according to your own response 5 days ago) and then it is not anymore (according to your response 4 days ago).

My feeling is that you should not add custom code for the CORS configuration and keep the Lumber generated default logic.
If you confirm that your project local environment works as expected, as Steve mentioned, it is probably an issue with your Elastic Beanstalk configuration.

Sorry for the silly questions, I am not an expert of AWS:

  • Do you have a reverse proxy or load balancer that could reject the Admin API requests?
  • Do you have a spot where you can/must configure your CORS in AWS interface?

Thanks you for your help.