Hello @EIdev and welcome to the community!
We’re thrilled to see that you are moving to the @forestadmin/agent. For this process to be as smooth as possible we have redacted a migration guide that you can find on our documentation. Please check it out if you were not aware of its existence.
Firstly, @forestadmin/agent doesn’t expose the public routes, so how do I check whether the requested route requires authentication or not? Secondly, @forestadmin/agent no longer provides an ensureAuthenticated, so does this need to be replaced by custom authentication logic?
It has never been easier to set up your agent, everything is handled by the agent you do not need to bother with authentications. You can find more info in the quick start page.
Lastly, @forestadmin/agent doesn’t seem to expose an errorHandler anymore, so does this again need to be replaced by custom error handling code?
As every customization is done through a handler function, the agent will handle errors on its own. You can even customize the error message via an optional function given to the agent. You can find a recent topic discussing this here.
Best regards,