Unregistered users not being returned to the accept invite page after registering

Expected behavior

An invite link is sent, the unregistered user registers (via username and password) and is then redirected back to the ‘accept this invitation’ page to accept then taken to dashboard

Actual behavior

An invite link is sent, the unregistered user registers (via username and password) and is then redirected to a blank dashboard.

In order to be added to the project they have to re-click the invite link whilst signed in.

Hi @hnfg :wave: Thank you for your feedback.

Could you please explain what do you mean by a blank dashboard? (maybe a screenshot would help) Also, could you check if there is any error in the console? :pray:

Hi @rap2h

By blank dashboard I mean this page:

there are no errors in the console just somewhere along the way the system is losing or not retaining the original invite link and then not redirecting the user back to it after registering.

Hello @hnfg,

I just invited a new user to a test project of mine, and had it signup with username and password, but we did not reproduce your issue.

Could you tell us which browser you are using? Maybe if you had the time to reproduce this issue while making a small screencast so we can be closer to your use case?
https://www.loom.com/ can help

Thank you for your time

Ok thats strange I’ve just tried again and its working today. I was using chrome previously.

The user who was having the issue was using internet explorer but I don’t have access to that browser to test the flow.

Thank youfor looking into it for me though!

That’s good to know. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Do not hesitate to let us know if this happens again.