Upgrade to forest-express-mongoose@7.x.x failed due to openid login callback


Upon trying to log the request, I found out that it is actually never hitting the forest api server after all. Somehow when the request is being handled by the https package, the URL is tranformed from api.forestadmin.com to localhost.

I found a similar threat which I dismissed before: https://community.forestadmin.com/t/authentication-error-after-migrating-to-forest-express-sequelize-v7/2440/7. This person attributed the bug to the nest.js package which was wrapping express but this did not apply to me.

However, it did make me consider that recreating the project from scratch and bare-boned might give me some further clues.

So after doing that, the configuration in the new bare-bones project seems to work (i’m able to connect to forest admin using that project). So is it possible that my old project is somehow patching the https module with buggy behaviour???

I’ll keep investigating and updating this threat as I find out more, anyways, thanks for the help so far!