afterFind Hook not called with correct values or not called at all for related data

I have a smart field role on the user model. This field is populated with a query to userRole. To improve performance I decided to move the query to user.afterFind and fetch all roles at once with a WHERE IN query.

It works as expected when browsing the user collection in forestadmin but a user can be in a organization and if I open the organization summary view where a the users table is shown the afterFind hook is called with null . When inspecting the query of the afterFind:

  1. the attributes are for user not for organization
  2. the id in the where {id: '...'} is the id of the organization, not a

When opening the related data view of user directly the afterFind is not even called:

Expected behavior

The afterFind hook should be executed whenever the model is fetched.

Actual behavior

The afterFind hool is not executed consistently with the correct values


Please provide any relevant information about your setup.

  • Package Version: forest-express-sequelize 7.0.3
  • Express Version: 4.17.1
  • Sequelize Version: ~5.15.1
  • Database Dialect: pg
  • Database Version: 9.4
  • Forest-Environment-Id: 68385
  • Forest-Project-Id: 54928
  • Forest-Rendering-Id: 82745
  • Forest-Team-Id: 54359

Hello @JonasKman,

This seems to be the issue from Sequelize directly, so we won’t be able to help you. You can see the GitHub issue here

Sorry :confused:

Ok :frowning_face:
Are both of theses calls include calls in forest-admin?

And what about the part where it looks like a user find is called with the organization find, might this be a bug on your side?

Would it be possible to have both implemented? a get in the smart field when used as related data and in afterFind when used for listing?

Hello @JonasKman,

The package forest-express-sequelize is actually creating a sequelize query when a route is requested.

If you display a user or list users, it creates a query on the user collection of sequelize, and then adds includes on related data.

As hooks are defined on collections, you’ll probably have to create hooks on every collection that reference user, if you want to use afterFind hooks.

Sequelize hooks are managed by sequelize, and forest-express-sequelize don’t have any interaction with them, so if their behavior is not what you expected, it’s likely that it’s due to how sequelize works.

Thanks for the information.

Is there an alternate way to increase the performance of such operations instead of sending X single requests when implementing it as a smart field?

I don’t see how to proceed directly from the code, but one solution would be to create a view in the DB, in order to compute the values you want to associate to users directly in the DB.

As these values seem coming from the same DB, I guess that this kind of solution would work for you.

I am now implementing both the get and the afterFind with a check in the get if the property is already set.