Collection doesn't load


I’m implementing the new TS forest library with Nest.js.
Somehow, I had no issue today except for this afternoon.

The collections looks loaded but once I’m trying to access to those on the admin, it doesn’t load.
The authenticate is well made, callback as well, and collection’s routes are accessible.

When I take a look, there is no request made to fetch the data BUT when I create a graph on the dashboard, it works well.

Hi @Santa_Klaus,

I’m working on a fix. I’ll let you know as soon as a fix is live.
Sorry about the inconvenience

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Thanks tho :pray:

4h of debugging, I was turning crazy :frowning:

Can you give me the name of your project so I can unlock you quickly (before the release of the fix)?

Sure, there is “Hop Hup” and “Testouille”.

It should be good for both. Let me know if it’s working :pray:

The fix is live on production :wink:
Have a great day or evening :wink:

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All good, thank you !

Since you are nearby, did I miss something? I updated my collections, I got now a forbidden on all of them.

EDIT: @vince on “Testouille” project, collections are fine ; on “Hop Hup” project, I get the forbidden. They both have the same settings.

and collection in cache is wrong

Hello @Santa_Klaus,

This might be related to how the agent refreshes its cache. We are using SSE to notify the agent of a configuration change, allowing it to request the new set of permissions.

To validate this theory you can restart your agent, this will request our server for the latest permissions.

If this is indeed the cause, you can:

  • Disable buffering on your reverse proxy (nginx) by adding the following configuration
fastcgi_buffering off;
proxy_buffering off;

If this is indeed the root cause of your issue, I will take the time to work on a documentation and a mechanism to notify the user in the logs when we detect buffering on proxy level, I feel like more and more users are facing this.

Best regards,