I am having an issue when creating a new user in one of my tables.
My id is set as a cuid: id String @id@default(cuid()) ← from Prisma Schema
when creating a new entry on my table, i am getting an error for trying to create a new entry with a null id.
Given that the creation of the id is handled by the database itself, I expect forest admin to create the new data entry without any issue and allow the database to handle the id generation on its own
errror message: null value in column “id” of relation “Psychologist” violates not-null constraint
Project name: Zenith
Team name: Zenith
Environment name: Development
Agent (forest package) name & version: “@forestadmin/agent” : “^1.8.8”
Database type: SQL, PostgresSQL
Recent changes made on your end if any: this hasnt worked since the start
Could you confirm that the id entry is generated by your database and not by Prisma (By sharing the DDL of your table here/by DM if you consider it private)?
Could you also confirm that the id field is marked as read-only on your admin-panel side?