Display problems

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Expected behavior

We want to see current prices that we set (on the rooms)
The receipt numbers of our garage rents should be created when the client pay (payline ID created)
The checkin date of our clients should be null if it is not chosen or correspond to the selected date chosen by the client

Actual behavior

All the rooms’ current prices are empty
The garage receipt numbers are not created when a client pay
The checkin date of our clients is always on 1st january 1970, maybe this problem comes from us

Failure Logs


Please provide any relevant information about your setup.

Package Version: 3.3.0 (forest-express-sequelize)
Express Version: 4.17.11
Sequelize Version: 6.2.4
Database Dialect: Maria DB
Database Version: 2.4.1
Project Name: Chez Nestor

Hi @MarineC,

I’m not sure to fully understand the issue here, maybe a small video clip & some models definition might help me have a better understanding.

Also, forest-express-sequelize is now in version 6.6.3, containing a lot of bugfixes & new features. You can find more informations on migrations in our documentation:

Migration to v4
Migration to v5
Migration to v6