Expected behavior
We migrated columns to the “Enum” type (in our table companies, call vat_frequency and operational_status). We would expect that our Edit widget (the dropdown) that was working fine before would still work and allow us to select the value we want in the summary view.
Actual behavior
We can’t use the dropdown edit widget : either a non-selectable value or a blank option is shown and does not allow us to choose a value.
Our .forestadmin-schema.json seems up-to-date :
"field": "operationalStatus", "type": "Enum", "defaultValue": "to_do", "enums": [ "to_do", "booster", "ongoing", "documents", "to_be_verified", "to_be_sent", "to_be_modified", "sent" ],
Please provide any relevant information about your setup.
- Package Version:
- Express Version: ~4.16.3
- Sequelize Version: ^5.15.2, forest-express-sequelize: ^6.3.6
- Database Dialect: Postgres
- Database Version:
- Project Name: Pennylane