We’re fair users of forest admin since 3 months now. We’re working on a monolith Rails app in the other side.
We just got the newsletter announcing the new support of Rails directly in Forest Admin which looks amazing.
Could you explain how can we make the migration to our actual Forest Admin setup to the new one to be sure we can use all these new features (especially, model validations) ?
Our forest-express-sequelize version is 6.7.1
What you could do is to create a new environment. Once you get to the last step you’ll have a FOREST_ENV_SECRET.
Once you are on this step install forest_liana:
gem 'forest_liana'
bundle install
rails g forest_liana:install your-foredt-env-secret
rails s
And your new environment should be up and running.
If the name of the models and fields are the same yes, you will be able to copy your environment from one of your nodejs environment to your rails environment using the Project Settings > Environments tab
We choose to start again from scratch to be sure we won’t have issues … but we have one :
The development environment is working perfectly
When we deployed to Heroku, we added the 3 env variables (forest_auth_secret, forest_env_secret & application_url), we defined our roles and assigned users to the roles but the production environment is not accessible.