External relation with reference on a collection

Feature(s) impacted

Customising collection with external relations

Observed behavior

I can provide any kind of fields in my external relation, but I didn’t find how to tell Forest Admin that a field is actually a reference on another collection fields (as the old way in previous versions of Forest Admin where I could say reference: "collection_name.id".

Expected behavior

Be able to link external data to collection through references


  • Project name: Inarix
  • Agent type & version: NodeJS agent v1.6.4

Hi @Guillaume_Robin ,

The relationships documentation for the new agent is here.
Is it what you need ?

If yes, my curious question is, did you know that there were a different documentation for the Agent NodeJS ? We try to gather some feedbacks about that so do not hesitate to comment on that.

Best regards,


Hi @shohanr,

Is it what you need ?

Yes, that’s the documentation but it doesn’t answer to my need unfortunately. Let me explain a bit deeper my need. Here is my models relations:

Users (id) ↔ Groups relation table (userId, groupId) ↔ Groups (id) ↔ Scenarios relation table (groupId, scenarioId) ↔ Scenarios

I would like to have the related scenarios for a user, and the related users to a scenario. However, with Sequelize, I can’t make a many-many through relation in this configuration and that’s why I tried to use external relations from forest admin to retries the list of users/scenarios.

My question is, when providing the list of records as the results of the external relation, to link a field to the id of a collection. For example, I want to link the user ID in my results to the collection users so that I can click on it to open the user record.

I hope it’s clearer :yum:

did you know that there were a different documentation for the Agent NodeJS ?

I noticed it when looking at the agent repository. At the beginning it was not clear but I figured it out.

Best regards,


Hello @Guillaume_Robin

I’m sure there are multiple ways to achieve what you need.
The first one that I can think of is the following:

The documentation could be way better, we still need to work on it.

Here is some code to get you started:

In your agent customization

  .customizeCollection('users', collection => collection.addManyToMany(...))
  .customizeCollection('scenarios', collection => collection.addManyToMany(...))

In a virtual-datasource.ts file

import {
} from '@forestadmin/datasource-toolkit';

class UserScenarios extends BaseCollection {
  constructor(dataSource: DataSource) {
    super('UserScenarios', dataSource);

    const definition = {
      isPrimaryKey: true,
      type: 'Column',
      columnType: 'Number',
      filterOperators: new Set(['In' as const]),
    } as const;

    this.addField('userId', definition);
    this.addField('scenarioId', definition);

  async list(
    caller: Caller,
    filter: PaginatedFilter,
    projection: Projection,
  ): Promise<RecordData[]> {
    // Extract the userIds and scenarioIds from the filter
    // This is trivial, because we know the filter is at most two IN operators with one AND
    // (because that's the only operator that we support, according to the constructor)
    let userIds: number[] = null;
    let scenarioIds: number[] = null;

    // filter.conditionTree can be null, you'll need to handle the case
    filter.conditionTree.forEachLeaf(leaf => {
      if (leaf.field === 'userId') userIds = leaf.value as number[];
      if (leaf.field === 'scenarioId') scenarioIds = leaf.value as number[];

    // query sequelize to get the virtual relation table
   // you'll need to handle the case when either userIds is null, scenarioIds is null, or both
    const records = await sequelize.query(
      SELECT t1."userId", t2."scenarioId"
      FROM groups_relation_table AS t1
      INNER JOIN scenarios_relation_table as t2 ON t1."groupId" = t2."groupId"
      WHERE t1."userId" IN (:userIds) AND t2."scenarioId" IN (:scenarioIds)
      { replacements: { userIds, scenarioIds } },

    return projection.apply(records);

  create(): Promise<RecordData[]> {
    throw new Error('Not supported');

  update(): Promise<void> {
    throw new Error('Not supported');

  delete(): Promise<void> {
    throw new Error('Not supported');

  aggregate(): Promise<AggregateResult[]> {
    throw new Error('Not supported');

export default function createVirtualRelation(): DataSourceFactory {
  return async (): Promise<DataSource> => {
    const dataSource = new BaseDataSource();
    dataSource.addCollection(new UserScenarios(dataSource));

    return dataSource;

Oh! Great! I didn’t think about a virtual datasource :scream: Thanks a lot!

Hi @anon39940173,

I’ve been experimenting with your proposal but I encountered an issue when I use the columnType: Uuid. Here is my code:

class UsersScenarios extends BaseCollection {
  constructor(dataSource: DataSource) {
    super('UsersScenarios', dataSource);

    const definition = {
      isPrimaryKey: true,
      type: 'Column',
      columnType: 'Number',
      filterOperators: new Set(['In' as const]),
    } as const;

    this.addField('userId', {
      columnType: 'Uuid',
      filterOperators: new Set(['Equal' as const]),
    this.addField('scenarioId', definition);

  async list(
    caller: Caller,
    filter: PaginatedFilter,
    projection: Projection
  ): Promise<RecordData[]> {
    // Extract the userIds and scenarioIds from the filter
    // This is trivial, because we know the filter is at most two IN operators with one AND
    // (because that's the only operator that we support, according to the constructor)
    let userIds: number[] = [];
    let scenarioIds: number[] = [];

    // filter.conditionTree can be null, you'll need to handle the case
    filter.conditionTree?.forEachLeaf(leaf => {
      if (leaf.field === 'userId') userIds = leaf.value as number[];
      if (leaf.field === 'scenarioId') scenarioIds = leaf.value as number[];

    let query = `
      SELECT t1."userId", t2."scenarioId"
      FROM users.user_group_membership AS t1
      INNER JOIN users.user_group_scenario as t2 ON t1."groupId" = t2."groupId"
    let options = {};

    if (userIds.length > 0 && scenarioIds.length > 0) {
      query += `WHERE t1."userId" IN (:userIds) AND t2."scenarioId" IN (:scenarioIds)`;
      options = {replacements: {userIds, scenarioIds}};
    } else if (userIds.length > 0 && !scenarioIds.length) {
      query += `WHERE t1."userId" IN (:userIds)`;
      options = {replacements: {userIds}};
    } else if (!userIds.length && scenarioIds.length > 0) {
      query += `WHERE t2."scenarioId" IN (:scenarioIds)`;
      options = {replacements: {scenarioIds}};

    // query sequelize to get the virtual relation table
    // you'll need to handle the case when either userIds is null, scenarioIds is null, or both
    const [records] = await SequelizeController.instance.query(query, options);

    return projection.apply(records as RecordData[]);

  create(): Promise<RecordData[]> {
    throw new Error('Not supported');

  update(): Promise<void> {
    throw new Error('Not supported');

  delete(): Promise<void> {
    throw new Error('Not supported');

  aggregate(): Promise<AggregateResult[]> {
    throw new Error('Not supported');

export default function createUsersScenarios(): DataSourceFactory {
  return async (): Promise<DataSource> => {
    const dataSource = new BaseDataSource();
    dataSource.addCollection(new UsersScenarios(dataSource));
    return dataSource;

// -- In another file
collection.addManyToManyRelation('accessibleScenarios', 'Scenario', 'UsersScenarios', {
    originKey: 'userId',
    foreignKey: 'scenarioId',

But I get the following error when I try to access the related data of User scenarios:

ConditionTreeEquivalent.getReplacer(...) is not a function 

TypeError: ConditionTreeEquivalent.getReplacer(...) is not a function
    at Function.getEquivalentTree (/***/forest-admin-backend/node_modules/@forestadmin/datasource-toolkit/dist/src/interfaces/query/condition-tree/equivalence.js:12:84)
    at /***/forest-admin-backend/node_modules/@forestadmin/datasource-customizer/dist/decorators/operators-equivalence/collection.js:32:69
    at ConditionTreeLeaf.replaceLeafs (/***/forest-admin-backend/node_modules/@forestadmin/datasource-toolkit/dist/src/interfaces/query/condition-tree/nodes/leaf.js:52:32)
    at /***/forest-admin-backend/node_modules/@forestadmin/datasource-toolkit/dist/src/interfaces/query/condition-tree/nodes/branch.js:31:84
    at Array.map (<anonymous>)
    at ConditionTreeBranch.replaceLeafs (/***/forest-admin-backend/node_modules/@forestadmin/datasource-toolkit/dist/src/interfaces/query/condition-tree/nodes/branch.js:31:73)
    at OperatorsEquivalenceCollectionDecorator.refineFilter (/***/forest-admin-backend/node_modules/@forestadmin/datasource-customizer/dist/decorators/operators-equivalence/collection.js:30:50)
    at OperatorsEquivalenceCollectionDecorator.list (/***/forest-admin-backend/node_modules/@forestadmin/datasource-customizer/dist/decorators/collection-decorator.js:38:42)
    at SearchCollectionDecorator.list (/***/forest-admin-backend/node_modules/@forestadmin/datasource-customizer/dist/decorators/collection-decorator.js:39:37)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

Do you have any idea of what I could miss? I tried to look at the source code of the agent, but I couldn’t get any clue of what’s going on.

Best regards,


The issue comes from the fact that your virtual db does not supports the ‘Present’ operation which is needed for relations

The error message is terrible!
I’m opening a ticket on our side to solve that.

Can you perform the following upgrade?

// on constructor
// I noticed you used "Equal". It should be in
      filterOperators: new Set(['In' as const, 'Present' as const]),
// on list
    filter.conditionTree?.forEachLeaf(({field, operator, value}) => {
      if (operator !== 'In') return;
      if (field === 'userId') userIds = value as number[];
      if (field === 'scenarioId') scenarioIds = value as number[];
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Thanks a lot! That was it. It’s working as expected now :star_struck: