Get selectedRecord from workspace in my dashboard root

Feature(s) impacted

Workspace Dashboards

Observed behavior

Dashboards with Simple or Sql query are refreshed when switching selectedRecord but not Api

Enregistrement de l’écran 2024-07-30 à (291.6 KB)

Expected behavior

i’d like to get selectedRecord value in the req or at least in the root params from Api


Project name: MyCater
Team name: MyCompany
Environment name: Development (ALL)
Agent technology: Node
Agent (forest package) name & version: forest-express-sequelize@9.3.9
Database type: Mysql

Hi @Lucas_Bordes and welcome to our community !

Sorry for the late answer. I tried to have a workaround but it is not possible for now.
You will have to click on the refresh button on top of the Workspace.

Best regards,
