How create a smart action (or a button) not linked to a collection?

Hi Forest admin team,

Is there a way to create a smart action that we can also use from forest admin dashboard, but which is not linked to a collection ?

Business examples:

  • trigger a cron
  • export specific data
  • send emails to users base

Thanks a lot for your feedback !

Hello @Aarbel,
Unfortunately, It’s not possible to not link an action to a collection.

Did you try to use workspace to make a custom page?


Thanks for this quick answer Alban, how can i create a custom button in workspace, with an action not linked to a collection ?

An action must be linked to a collection, you can’t create an action without collection.
Please follow this tutoriel: The Action Component to add an action in your workspace.

So it’s not possible to create an action inside a workspace, without using an action linked to a collection. You confirm ?
Or is there something also than what we call “actions” to trigger a request on the backend from a button on workspace ?

You can create a global action in a collection (it’s an action where you don’t need to select a record to be able to execute it) and in your workspace you can import it to run what you want :).

Did I answer your question correctly? :pray:

If you need more help, we can schedule a tech session together to help your onboarding on forest :ok_hand:

Yes it’s what i did. Thanks for your help.

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