Feature(s) impacted
I’m using the cloud version of forest admin
I want to override the create function of a collection to call my backend which handle the business logic
So I called the collection.overrideCreate
But when my API sends a validation error I can’t display the response in the frontend (see screenshot)
I tried to throw a BusinessError
with a custom message from the @forestadmin/datasource-toolkit
package but I still get the default error message.
I saw that I could use [customizeErrorMessage](https://docs.forestadmin.com/developer-guide-agents-nodejs/getting-started/install/create-your-agent#customizeerrormessage-function-defaults-to-null)
with self hosted version.
But I don’t know how to do it with the cloud version because we don’t call createAgent
Is it possible to display a custom message ?
Observed behavior
I get the default message
Expected behavior
I can customize the error message in overrideCreate function
Failure Logs
- Project name: Azybia
- Team name: Azybia
- Environment name: production
- Agent technology: nodejs (cloud)
- Agent (forest package) “@forestadmin/forest-cloud”: “1.9.17”
- Database type: postgres
- Recent changes made on your end if any: N/A