I am using ForestAdmin agent mounted on Nestjs, and I need to access the logged in User details (email or name) when they hit certain actions that I am customizing. Is that possible?
Here is my agent setup and customizations:
const agent = createAgent<Schema>({
authSecret: xxx,
envSecret: xxx,
isProduction: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
typingsPath: `${__dirname}/typings.ts`,
schemaPath: `${__dirname}/../.forestadmin-schema.json`,
typingsMaxDepth: 5,
createSqlDataSource('connection string'),
.customizeCollection('invoices', InvoicesCustomization(app))
.customizeCollection('credit_notes', CreditNotesCustomization(app))
.customizeCollection('accounts', AccountsCustomization(app))
await agent.mountOnNestJs(app).start()
await app.listen(3050)