Installation not working on my Rails App

Can you check if the file .forestadmin-schema.json has correctly been created on server startup?

Can you also check that your project is run in development mode? The file is not generated at each startup in production mode. That might explain the issue.

You can output the value of Rails.env.development? , if it returns false that can explain your problem.

The .forestadmin-schema.json is being created correctly when I lunch the server. Also, I checked the Rails.env.development? = true

Can you check that the env variable FOREST_DISABLE_AUTO_SCHEMA_APPLY is not defined on your server?

Can you also check if there is a rake task created to send your apimap file to Forest Admin?

rake forest:send_apimap

Okay, so I runned the rake task you told me, lunch the server again and apparently it worked. However, I enetered to the admin panel and I got the next thing:

The CORS policy is already allowing

Apparently there is another error with the GET method there, but that is not in my project.

Also, I was checking my RackCors policy again and I changed it for:

null_regex =\Anull\z/)

    config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do
      allow do
        origins [null_regex, '']
        resource '*',
                  headers: :any,
                  methods: :any,
                  expose: ['Content-Disposition'],
                  credentials: true

However, I still get the same CORS error in console. I now get this one:

Captura de pantalla de 2021-04-22 13-14-57

Apparently the problem is with the forest/authentication route, but I don’t know why

This is the network

Okay, I was able to run in Development mode and have all the charts. Did some changes in the Rack Cors Policy. However, I tried deploying to production, with the different env_secret and auth_secret.

In my Production environment I get this:

Haven’t been able to run in Production.

What is the content of the response sent by the server?

I got this from the production logs:

Please could you send me the body sent in the failing request and also the response body ? :slight_smile:
You should find it in the network tab of your chrome dev tool.

I just entered and it work, but it didn’t do anything. However, on the smart charts part, I’m not receiving anything. I get a POST 400 status. Take a look:

Ok nice and great job !

As this thread starts to be huge and your issue is different as an installation issue, could you please create a new thread with all the details of your new issue (expected behavior / current behavior etc …)?

I will close this subject. :slight_smile:

Okay, done :smiley: you can find it here: