Loading spinner no longer visible

Just want to inform you that I can no longer see the table view loading spinner

Hi @JeremyV,

Thanks for your report!

Indeed this looks so wrong :thinking:
The loading spinner you’re talking about is this one right?

Moreover, I can notice that your table header is sitting in the middle of the page while loading…

This is strange though I cannot reproduce on my end for now.
Could you give me your browser type and version please?


@JeremyV I just reproduced after having upgraded my Chrome to the very last version.
Let’s see how we can fix this asap.

Thanks again for your report!

You’re very welcome :slight_smile:

Hi @JeremyV,

It should be fixed by now.
Could you please try on your side and tell me if it’s all good?

Thanks :raised_hands:

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It works as before indeed. Thanks @anon34731316

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