Feature(s) impacted
I can’t how to view/edit/manage more than one schema in a project
Observed behavior
I cannot select more than one schema when setting up a project. Last we spoke I remember being told this was possible, but I cant find it. Any help would be appreciated.
Expected behavior
I should be able to see all schemas in a DB, or at least pick the ones I want visible.
Failure Logs
- Project name: Content
- Team name: Operations
- Environment name: Prod
- Agent technology: (nodejs, php, rails, python) Standard.
- Agent (forest package) name & version: 1.52.2
- Database type: MSSQL
- Recent changes made on your end if any: None
If you want to manage more than on schema you can create a new forest environment. Each environment can have its own schema with its own layout.
BUT if you speak about multi datasources, if you want to plug several databases, you could use the multi datasources feature.
Best regards,
Thankyou for pointing that out. I tried as suggested and no matter what option I pick it always assumes Postgres. I cant do it with MSSQL.
I have been updated my previous comment, sorry.
Did you check the multi datasources feature.?
If you are in the self hosted solution (not in cloud, you host your own server/agent) you can follow this tutoriel.
Not self-hosted. It seems even if you pick MSSQL it defaults to postgres. It can tell because the port number doesnt change when I add a new data source, it stays on the postgres port and does not change to the SQL one 1433. When I click test I can see the prefix is “postgres:” not “mssql:”
Could you provide screenshots to illustrate your issue because I don’t understand what do you want to do please
Main DB is MSMSQL. I want to add another schema in this DB to my project.
I name it
I select SQL Server
As you can see, the port number does not change to SQL Port number (1433) even though I selected MSSQL
As you can see the URI is postgres instead of MSSQL - so not sure what is going on, should be MSMSQL.
Ok thanks a lot for your details ! I understand now
I’m on it, I’m trying to reproduce.
Edit: I’m currently no be able to reproduce. I’m investigate your logs to try to understand your case.
It seems like we do have an issue with this form.
I’m creating a ticket to investigate and fix.
In the meantime, would you be able to input your credentials via the Connection URI tab
This one is not impacted by the issue as per my testing:
The fix has been released.
Please let us know if this is ok on your side now