New agent forest - define models enum values

Feature(s) impacted


in order to change a gender for EXAMPLE i want to show a dropdown list instead of text input.
I would like to do this on code not on the UI.


migration from forest v9 to the new nodejs agent.
in the old forest version I was editing in the models files but in the new forest agent I dont find a way to do the same.

  • Project name: Clevermate v2
  • Agent technology: (nodejs,
  • Agent (forest package) name & version: …
  • Database type: postges

Hello @Adel_de_Clevermate,

The agent should pick up what is defined in your ORM models or database and use that in the schema.
Do you have an enum in either of those ?
Thanks :pray:

Hi @Nicolas.M

No, I dont have. the field on databse is of type varchar, I dont get where I can see the ORM models.


What you can do is use an addField customization on the collection. Something like that should work for you:

    UserCollection.addField('UserGenderWithEnum', {
      columnType: 'Enum',
      enumValues: ['M', 'F', 'O'],
      dependencies: ['UserGender'],
      getValues(records) {
        return => {
          switch (record.UserGender) {
            case 'M':
            case 'Male':
              return 'M';

            case 'F':
            case 'Female':
              return 'F';

            case 'O':
            case 'Other':
              return 'O';

              return null;
    .replaceFieldWriting('UserGenderWithEnum', async value => {
      return { UserGender: value };

Please note that you may have to enable writing for the field in the UI, as computed fields are readonly by default.

It will effectively replace the UserGender field with UserGenderWithEnum in your forest schema
Please let me know if this is ok for your use case :pray:

Thank you @Nicolas.M

This looks good to resolve the issue. :white_check_mark:
Unless there is other simpler way with less code lines, since we have many more fields like this and on many collections.

Thank you :pray:

You may want to look into factorizing your enum declarations using plugins.
Here is very similar example in our plugins repo:

You can take inspiration from there to limit boilerplate in your customization code.
I hope this helps

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