"Not a valid UUID" except it is

Expected behavior

Lookup by UUID should work even if the UUID does not match the official RFC format.

Actual behavior

The front-end refuses the UUID we indeed use in our database, insisting it is “Not a valid UUID”.

Failure Logs

Here is an UUID that works:
And one that doesn’t:

According to the one and only source of knowledge on this planet this is due to the first digit of the third group not being a proper UUID version (6), due to there being only 5 UUID versions.


Please provide any relevant information about your setup.

  • Package Version: ^8.3.3
  • Express Version: 4.17.1
  • Sequelize Version: 6.6.2
  • Database Dialect: MSSQL
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Hi @kll :wave: to understand where does the problem come from, can you provide me more context please?
Where do you see this error? Come from your backend or directly in the frontend?

Plop @Arnaud_Moncel, it comes from the FA front-end when filtering on an UUID field using the is operator. Here’s a screenshot for context:

Oh right I see, unfortunately we try to support only “standard” things.
I send your request anyway on our product board.
I can suggest you to try to change on your model definition uuid by string.
Let me know.

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Hello, I reported this in Github: UUID handling is broken with Postgres `uuid` column · Issue #657 · ForestAdmin/agent-nodejs · GitHub

This is a huge issue since your UUID field is not accepting valid values that PostgreSQL is happy to store.

This means Forest will break with PostgreSQL tables using the uuid type.

Hello @el3ng :wave:,

Thanks for your report on github :pray:, we will look into it internally.

Kind regards,


We have added this bug on our board, it will be fixed soon, thanks again :pray:


We took the time to analyze the issue and have determined that currently, ForestAdmin only supports the RFC4122 format for UUIDs. This means that we support versions 1, 3, 4, and 5 of the format. Postgres support RFC4122 and others alternative.

Unfortunately, we have not found a simple solution without introducing bugs to the application. Therefore, we will treat your request as a feature request rather than a bug report.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.