On comment next() save button keeps loading not getting any response

Hi Team,

I want to perform the action on database update or create should be done by third party API not with forestadmin.

below is the code here I commented the next() to stop automated operation perform by forestadmin. but after save it keeps loading.

      url: 'http://localhost:8000/api/v1/settings',
      method: 'post',
      data: data,
    .then(async (result) => {
      // console.log(result);
      await RecordUpdaterM.serialize(result.data)
    .catch((error) => {
      console.log('error:', error);
    // next();


Hi @sourabht,

Thanks for your message.

Could you tell me what route kind you’re trying to replace?
Did you try to send the result in the response?

    .then(async (result) => {
      response.send(await RecordUpdaterM.serialize(result.data));


Yes i tried the same but not resolved.

Is it a POST route that you are overriding?
Are you not using the RecordCreator serializer as specified in the documentation?

const { RecordCreator } = require('forest-express-mongoose');
  const recordCreator = new RecordCreator(users);


    .then(async (result) => {
      response.send(await recordCreator.serialize(result.data));

Hi @anon34731316 ,

I have successfully integrated the API call using the override route.

but after getting a successful response it redirects me to the details page and there it showed me the old records. Once I will reload the list page then i can get the latest data on click on particular record. this issue coming on add and update both. below are the screen shot.

old record:

After refresh page new record:

Below are the code snippt.

router.post('/media', permissionMiddlewareCreator.create(), (request, response, next) => {
  // Learn what this route does here: https://docs.forestadmin.com/documentation/v/v6/reference-guide/routes/default-routes#create-a-record
  const recordCreator = new RecordCreator(media);
  const data = request.body.data.attributes;

    url: 'http://localhost:8000/media',
    method: 'post',
    data: data,
    .then(async (result) => {
      response.send(await recordCreator.serialize(result.data));
    .catch((error) => {
      console.log('error:', error);
    // next();


Hi @sourabht :wave: have you take a look on the response payload on your browser console?
In case of update record ForestAdmin need the full new record to update it.

I got the above response on update record. also i get the issue when i update this and went to the listing and again click on the particular row then getting below the page.

and i reload on same page then updated data i am able to see.

Thank you.

To be more explicite! You must return the updated record in your payload. Not { sucess: true }.

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I got the solution below is the code.

response.send(await recordCreator.serialize(result.data.data));