Hi @Bojan_Antonijevic, thank you for your feedback.
It seem to have bad type definition on our end.
Can you put this instruction // tslint:disable-next-line before the call of the function please .
We apologize for this inconvenient.
I transferred the problem to our development team.
I will you keep update when the issue was solved.
Thank you.
Just a side note on this, a new version of the types have been released
You can install the latest version of the package @types/forest-express-sequelize to @latest and remove the typescript deactivation.
Tell me if it fixes the issue
Do you still encounter the issue you explained at the end of the thread ?
Juste a little note on the getIdsFromRequest, it is only usable on the /delete route (to support mass deletion) and the smart-action routes. It will not work on other routes.
Thanks for your feedback on types, don’t hesitate if you encounter any other issue.