Feature(s) impacted
Chart in dashboard defined with SQL (query mode)
Observed behavior
My database is PostgreSQL and I don’t see the Query option to define my chart with SQL.
Expected behavior
I’m expecting to have the Query option to define my chart for a PostgreSQL database.
- Project name: smappen
- Team name: operations
- Environment name: Development | anneclairegerard
- Agent technology: nodejs
- Agent (forest package) name & version: @forestadmin/agent 1.53.1
- Database type: postgresql
- Recent changes made on your end if any: I’m migrating the forest agent (we area currently using the forest-express-sequelize in version 9.0.0). I am trying to migrate some charts in a dashboard. Previously, in the chart, we had the option to define a Query :
But using the forestadmin/agent, I do not have this option:
I understand reading the documentation (Create a chart | User Guide) that the Query mode is available for SQL databases, so I should be able to define one.
Is there something else to configure to have the Query mode ?