I need to override a related data deletion operation because the SQL request generated is obviously wrong.
sequelize:sql:pg Executing (default): DELETE FROM "public"."user_hobby" WHERE "userId" IN ('8a38bf94-f707-41d6-a243-c1c36e1ab309|1408') +3ms
DELETE /forest/user/8a38bf94-f707-41d6-a243-c1c36e1ab309/relationships/userHobbies?delete=true 422 134 - 72.044 ms
Neither in the users routes or user-hobbies routes I have the possibility to override the route above.
My record is completely fine, I don’t have such pipe or something.
I know how to override a route. I didn’t know where to override this specific route.
Grepping in the whole forest admin backend codebase with relationships/userHobbies and 0 results.
I already mentioned that but again: I am in a related data table. Not in the collection one.
This video could help you to visualize what I am doing @Guillaume_Cisco
Could you share the request sent to DELETE /forest/{modelName}/{id}/relationships/{hasManyRelationName} ? This will tell. me if that comes from the UI or forest-express-sequelize
My record is issued from a many to many table without a primary key.
Oh okey so that’s the issue
In that case a primary key is build with the user and something like the index. So it’s not a bug but more like not implemented I think