Saving changes to an associated model v7 sequelize


We have noticed a problem with model associations occurring in all our environments that we did not have before the forest-express-sequelize 7.9.4 update.

Expected behavior

Before the upgrade to forest-express-sequelize 7.9.4

When an attribute value was modified in a model that had another association, the model that was called was called.

To illustrate this, let’s take an example:

A company model associated with an employees model

Let’s imagine that I want to change the first name of the employee by going through the company model first

company → Alexandre’s company-> employees → Alexandre Pape

If I change the first name of this one will only update the employees model of Alexandre Pape

company → Alexandre’s company-> employees → (save)

Actual behavior

With the upgrade to forest-express-sequelize 7.9.4

If I take my example.

Currently if I change the first name it will update the employee model Alexandre Pape + save the Alexandre’s company.

When I print the SQL logs, Forest calls all the associations of the model in question and saves them.

company → Alexandre’s company-> employees → Alexandre Pape

company → (save) → employees → (save)

When I go through a service, endpoint of employees database, it calls only the employees model.

We’ve seen this in custom events called in beforesave() hooks. Which was not called on the par before.


Please provide any relevant information about your setup.

  • Package Version: 6.14.6
  • Sequelize Version: 6.3.5
  • Database Dialect: PostgreSQL
  • Database Version: 10
  • Project Name: Homeloop

Hi @Alexandre_Pape :wave: welcome to our community.
To try to locate the issue can you give me the version you were using before the migration?
Have you test it with the latest version of forest-express-sequelize eg: 7.11.2