Feature(s) impacted
Smart fields no longer computed after editing
Observed behavior
I have this collection :
// This model was generated by Lumber. However, you remain in control of your models.
// Learn how here: https://docs.forestadmin.com/documentation/v/v6/reference-guide/models/enrich-your-models
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
const { Sequelize } = sequelize;
// This section contains the fields of your model, mapped to your table's columns.
// Learn more here: https://docs.forestadmin.com/documentation/v/v6/reference-guide/models/enrich-your-models#declaring-a-new-field-in-a-model
const Contracts = sequelize.define('contracts', {
displayName: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
defaultValue: "",
allowNull: false,
amount: {
type: DataTypes.BIGINT,
defaultValue: 0,
allowNull: false,
createdAt: {
type: DataTypes.DATE,
updatedAt: {
type: DataTypes.DATE,
parcelSergicId: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
sergicUpdateTime: {
type: DataTypes.DATE,
customerReferenceNumber: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
customerKey: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
invitedCount: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
defaultValue: 0,
allowNull: false,
reminderGroup: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
defaultValue: 8,
reportAccountEntryAmount: {
type: DataTypes.BIGINT,
defaultValue: 0,
reportAccountEntryOperationDate: {
type: DataTypes.DATE,
deletedAt: {
type: DataTypes.DATE,
coownerAmount: {
type: DataTypes.BIGINT,
defaultValue: Sequelize.literal('0.0'),
pendingAmount: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
defaultValue: 0,
allowNull: false,
dueDate: {
type: DataTypes.DATE,
occupant: {
type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
startDate: {
type: DataTypes.DATEONLY,
endDate: {
type: DataTypes.DATEONLY,
lastReminderGroupUpdate: {
type: DataTypes.DATEONLY,
}, {
tableName: 'contracts',
underscored: true,
schema: process.env.DATABASE_SCHEMA,
// This section contains the relationships for this model. See: https://docs.forestadmin.com/documentation/v/v6/reference-guide/relationships#adding-relationships.
Contracts.associate = (models) => {
Contracts.belongsTo(models.identities, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'identityIdKey',
field: 'identity_id',
as: 'identity',
Contracts.belongsTo(models.places, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'placeIdKey',
field: 'place_id',
as: 'place',
Contracts.belongsTo(models.integrations, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'placeIdKey',
field: 'place_id',
as: 'integration',
Contracts.belongsToMany(models.parcels, {
through: 'parcelContracts',
foreignKey: 'contract_id',
otherKey: 'parcel_id',
as: 'parcelsThroughParcelContracts',
// decomposition de la relation ci-dessus en 2
Contracts.hasMany(models.parcelContracts, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'contractIdKey',
field: 'contract_id',
as: 'contractParcel',
Contracts.hasMany(models.managementFees, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'contractIdKey',
field: 'contract_id',
as: 'managementFees',
Contracts.hasMany(models.contractDocuments, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'contractIdKey',
field: 'contract_id',
as: 'contractDocuments',
Contracts.hasMany(models.accountEntries, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'contractIdKey',
field: 'contract_id',
as: 'accountEntries',
Contracts.hasMany(models.alerts, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'contractIdKey',
field: 'contract_id',
as: 'alerts',
Contracts.hasMany(models.publicWorkDetails, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'contractIdKey',
field: 'contract_id',
as: 'publicWorkDetails',
Contracts.hasMany(models.convocationSettings, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'contractIdKey',
field: 'contract_id',
as: 'convocationSettings',
Contracts.hasMany(models.preEtatDateRequests, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'contractIdKey',
field: 'contract_id',
as: 'preEtatDateRequests',
Contracts.hasMany(models.contractRepartitionKeys, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'contractIdKey',
field: 'contract_id',
as: 'contractRepartitionKeys',
Contracts.hasMany(models.waterReadings, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'contractIdKey',
field: 'contract_id',
as: 'waterReadings',
// relation creee manuellement pour les mandataires de compte client
Contracts.hasMany(models.roles, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'contractIdKey',
field: 'resource_id',
as: 'roles',
Contracts.hasOne(models.moneyOrders, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'contractIdKey',
field: 'contract_id',
as: 'moneyOrder',
Contracts.hasOne(models.contractAddresses, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'contractIdKey',
field: 'contract_id',
as: 'contractAddress',
return Contracts;
with a bunch of smart fields :
const { collection } = require('forest-express-sequelize');
const models = require('../models');
const { Sequelize } = require('sequelize');
const Op = require('sequelize').Op;
const axios = require('axios').default;
const API_URL = process.env.API_URL;
// This file allows you to add to your Forest UI:
// - Smart actions: https://docs.forestadmin.com/documentation/reference-guide/actions/create-and-manage-smart-actions
// - Smart fields: https://docs.forestadmin.com/documentation/reference-guide/fields/create-and-manage-smart-fields
// - Smart relationships: https://docs.forestadmin.com/documentation/reference-guide/relationships/create-a-smart-relationship
// - Smart segments: https://docs.forestadmin.com/documentation/reference-guide/segments/smart-segments
collection('contracts', {
actions: [],
fields: [{
field: 'reference immeuble',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.places.findByPk(contract.placeIdKey)
.then(place => place ? place.sergicIdFull : ''),
search: (query, search) => {
const searchCondition = {
[Op.or]: [
{ '$place.sergic_id_full$': { [Op.iLike]: `%${search}%` } }
if (!query.include.find((include) => include.as === 'place')) {
model: models.places,
as: 'place',
return query;
}, {
field: 'nom complet',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.identities.findByPk(contract.identityIdKey)
.then(identity => identity ? `${identity.lastName ? identity.lastName.toUpperCase() : ''} ${identity.firstName ? identity.firstName : ''}` : ''),
search: (query, search) => {
const split = search.split(' ');
const searchCondition = {
[Op.or]: [
{ '$identity.last_name$': { [Op.iLike]: `%${split[0]}%` } },
{ '$identity.last_name$': { [Op.iLike]: `%${split[1]}%` } },
{ '$identity.first_name$': { [Op.iLike]: `%${split[0]}%` } },
{ '$identity.first_name$': { [Op.iLike]: `%${split[1]}%` } },
if (!query.include.find((include) => include.as === 'identity')) {
model: models.identities,
as: 'identity',
return query;
}, {
field: 'ID client',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.identities.findByPk(contract.identityIdKey)
.then(identity => identity && identity.sergicId ? identity.sergicId : '')
}, {
field: 'civilite',
type: 'Enum',
enums: [
'Madame et Monsieur',
'Madame ou Monsieur',
'Madame, Mademoiselle ou Monsieur',
'Société civile immobilière',
'Société civile promotion immobilière',
'Société civile construction vente',
'Entreprise unipersonnelle à responsabilité limitée',
'Groupement d\'intéret économique',
'Société anonyme',
'Société à responsabilité limitée',
'Société anonyme simplifiée',
'Société civile',
'Société civile de moyens',
'Société d\'économie mixte',
'Société en nom collectif',
'Société privée européenne',
'Entreprise individuelle à responsabilité limitée',
'Association syndicale libre',
get: contract => models.identities.findByPk(contract.identityIdKey)
.then(identity => identity && identity.title ? identity.title : '')
}, {
field: 'nom',
type: 'String',
get: contract => {
return models.identities.findByPk(contract.identityIdKey)
.then(identity => identity && identity.lastName ? identity.lastName.toUpperCase() : '');
}, {
field: 'prenom',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.identities.findByPk(contract.identityIdKey)
.then(identity => identity ? identity.firstName : '')
}, {
field: 'Invite a la connexion',
type: 'Boolean',
}, {
field: 'telephone',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.identities.findByPk(contract.identityIdKey)
.then(identity => identity && identity.phoneNumber ? identity.phoneNumber : ''),
search: (query, search) => {
const searchCondition = {
[Op.or]: [
{ '$identity.phone_number$': { [Op.iLike]: `%${search}%` } }
if (!query.include.find((include) => include.as === 'identity')) {
model: models.identities,
as: 'identity',
return query;
}, {
field: 'telephone domicile',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.identities.findByPk(contract.identityIdKey)
.then(identity => identity && identity.homePhone ? identity.homePhone : '')
}, {
field: 'email',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.identities.findByPk(contract.identityIdKey)
.then(identity => identity && identity.email ? identity.email : ''),
search: (query, search) => {
const searchCondition = {
[Op.or]: [
{ '$identity.email$': { [Op.iLike]: `%${search}%` } }
if (!query.include.find((include) => include.as === 'identity')) {
model: models.identities,
as: 'identity',
return query;
}, {
field: 'lots',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.contracts.findAll({
where: { id: contract.id },
include: [{
model: models.parcels,
as: 'parcelsThroughParcelContracts'
}).then(results => {
if (results[0].parcelsThroughParcelContracts) {
return results[0].parcelsThroughParcelContracts.map(lot =>
lot.displayName + (lot.doorNumber ? ' ' + lot.doorNumber : '')).join(', ');
}, {
field: 'Date derniere connexion ',
type: 'Date',
get: contract => models.identities.findOne({
where: { id: contract.identityIdKey },
include: [{
model: models.users,
as: 'user'
}).then(identity => identity && identity.user ? identity.user.lastConnectionSyndicone : null)
}, {
field: 'Mandataire',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.roles.findAll({
where: {
name: 'representative',
resource_type: 'Contract',
resource_id: contract.id,
include: [{
model: models.identities,
as: 'identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles',
required: true,
}).then(roles => {
if (roles[0]) {
const identity = roles[0].identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles[0];
return `${identity.title} ${identity.lastName.toUpperCase()} ${identity.firstName ? identity.firstName : ''}`;
}, {
field: 'Telephone mandataire',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.roles.findAll({
where: {
name: 'representative',
resource_type: 'Contract',
resource_id: contract.id,
include: [{
model: models.identities,
as: 'identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles',
required: true,
}).then(roles => {
if (roles[0]) {
const identity = roles[0].identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles[0];
return `${identity.phoneNumber}`;
}, {
field: 'Email mandataire',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.roles.findAll({
where: {
name: 'representative',
resource_type: 'Contract',
resource_id: contract.id,
include: [{
model: models.identities,
as: 'identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles',
required: true,
}).then(roles => {
if (roles[0]) {
const identity = roles[0].identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles[0];
return `${identity.email}`;
}, {
field: 'Adresse mandataire',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.roles.findAll({
where: {
name: 'representative',
resource_type: 'Contract',
resource_id: contract.id,
include: [{
model: models.identities,
as: 'identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles',
required: true,
include: [{
model: models.addresses,
as: 'addresses',
required: true,
where: { addressable_type: 'Identity' }
}).then(roles => {
if (roles[0]) {
const address = roles[0].identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles[0].addresses[0];
return `${address.streetNumber} ${address.street} ${address.complementary ? address.complementary : ''} ${address.zipCode} ${address.city.toUpperCase()} ${address.country}`;
}, {
field: 'Adresse postale',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.addresses.findOne({
where: {
addressable_id: contract.identityIdKey,
addressable_type: 'Identity'
}).then(address => address && address.street ? `${address.streetNumber} ${address.street} ${address.complementary ? address.complementary : ''} ${address.zipCode} ${address.city.toUpperCase()} ${address.country ? address.country.toUpperCase() : ''}` : '')
}, {
field: 'nature juridique',
type: 'Enum',
enums: ['natural_person', 'legal_entity'],
get: contract => models.roles.findAll({
where: {
name: 'representative',
resource_type: 'Contract',
resource_id: contract.id,
include: [{
model: models.identities,
as: 'identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles',
required: true,
}).then(roles => roles[0] && roles[0].identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles[0] ? roles[0].identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles[0].legalKind : null)
}, {
field: 'comptes',
type: ['String'],
reference: 'contracts.id'
}, {
field: 'appels de charges dematerialisees',
type: 'Boolean',
get: contract => models.convocationSettings.findOne({
where: { contract_id: contract.id },
order: [['created_at', 'DESC']],
}).then(convocationSetting => convocationSetting ? convocationSetting.acceptDematerializedMail : null)
}, {
field: 'convocation ag',
type: 'Enum',
enums: ['dematerialized_only', 'paper_except_annexes', 'paper_only'],
get: contract => models.convocationSettings.findOne({
where: { contract_id: contract.id },
order: [['created_at', 'DESC']],
}).then(convocationSetting => convocationSetting && convocationSetting.auxilliaryDocumentsShipment ? convocationSetting.auxilliaryDocumentsShipment : null)
}, {
field: 'statut du mandat Yousign',
type: 'Enum',
enums: ['unsigned', 'waiting', 'init', 'signed_complete'],
get: contract => models.convocationSettings.findOne({
where: { contract_id: contract.id },
order: [['created_at', 'DESC']],
}).then(convocationSetting => convocationSetting && convocationSetting.state ? convocationSetting.state : null)
}, {
field: 'derniere modification',
type: 'Date',
get: contract => models.convocationSettings.findOne({
where: { contract_id: contract.id },
order: [['created_at', 'DESC']],
}).then(convocationSetting => convocationSetting ? convocationSetting.updatedAt : null)
}, {
field: 'Envoi de la convoc AG au mandataire',
type: 'Boolean',
get: contract => models.convocationSettings.findOne({
where: { contract_id: contract.id },
order: [['created_at', 'DESC']],
}).then(convocationSetting => convocationSetting ? convocationSetting.sendConvocationToRepresentative : null)
}, {
field: 'Envoi des charges au mandataire',
type: 'Boolean',
get: contract => models.convocationSettings.findOne({
where: { contract_id: contract.id },
order: [['created_at', 'DESC']],
}).then(convocationSetting => convocationSetting ? convocationSetting.sendExpenseReportToRepresentative : null)
}, {
field: 'Mode de paiement',
type: 'Enum',
enums: ['auto_usual', 'auto', 'manual'],
get: contract => models.moneyOrders.findOne({
where: { contract_id: contract.id }
}).then(moneyOrder => moneyOrder ? moneyOrder.paymentType : null)
}, {
field: 'Mandat de prelevement recu',
type: 'Boolean',
get: contract => models.moneyOrders.findOne({
where: { contract_id: contract.id }
}).then(moneyOrder => moneyOrder ? moneyOrder.yousignState : null)
}, {
field: 'role',
type: 'String',
get: contract => axios.get(`${API_URL}/forest_admin/places/${contract.placeIdKey}/top_place_role/${contract.identityIdKey}`, {
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
}).then(res => res.data.display_place_role)
}, {
field: 'solde',
type: 'Number',
get: contract => axios.get(`${API_URL}/forest_admin/places/${contract.placeIdKey}/sage_contract_balance`, {
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
params: {
contract_id: contract.id
}).then(res => res.data.solde_actuel
).catch(() => null)
}, {
field: 'ecritures-comptables',
type: ['String'],
reference: 'contract-accounting-entries.id'
}, {
field: 'emails',
type: ['String'],
reference: 'contractEmails.id'
}, {
field: 'tickets',
type: ['String'],
reference: 'contractTickets.id'
}, {
field: 'niveau de relance',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.alerts.findOne({
where: {
contract_id: contract.id,
treated: false
order: [['created_at', 'DESC']],
}).then(alert => alert ? alert.reminderLevel : '')
}, {
field: 'date de derniere relance',
type: 'Dateonly',
get: contract => models.alerts.findOne({
where: {
contract_id: contract.id,
treated: false
order: [['created_at', 'DESC']],
}).then(alert => alert ? alert.reminderDate : null)
}, {
field: 'alerte traitee',
type: 'Boolean',
get: contract => models.alerts.findOne({
where: {
contract_id: contract.id,
treated: false
order: [['created_at', 'DESC']],
}).then(alert => alert ? alert.treated : '')
}, {
field: 'commentaire',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.alerts.findOne({
where: {
contract_id: contract.id,
treated: false
order: [['created_at', 'DESC']],
}).then(alert => alert ? alert.comment : '')
}, {
field: 'gestionnaire',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.roles.findOne({
where: {
name: 'coowner_manager',
resource_type: 'Place',
resource_id: contract.placeIdKey
include: [{
model: models.identities,
as: 'identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles'
}).then(role => `${role ? role.identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles[0].firstName : ''} ${role ? role.identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles[0].lastName.toUpperCase() : ''}`),
search: async (query, search) => {
const { QueryTypes, Op } = models.objectMapping;
const split = search.split(' ');
// NOTICE: complexe raw query to gather all ids from the places collection that match your business needs
const contractsIds = await models.connections.default.query(`
SELECT contracts.id FROM contracts
INNER JOIN places ON places.id = contracts.place_id
INNER JOIN roles ON places.id = roles.resource_id
INNER JOIN identities_roles ON identities_roles.role_id = roles.id
INNER JOIN identities ON identities.id = identities_roles.identity_id
WHERE roles.name = 'coowner_manager'
AND roles.resource_type = 'Place'
AND (identities.first_name ILIKE '%${split[0]}%'
OR identities.last_name ILIKE '%${split[0]}%'
OR identities.last_name ILIKE '%${split[1]}%'
OR identities.last_name ILIKE '%${split[1]}%')`,
{ type: QueryTypes.SELECT });
// NOTICE: fill the where condition with a simple `id in (ArrayOfIds)` to match ids returned by the complexe query making the polymorphic joins
const searchCondition = { id: { [Op.in]: contractsIds.map(a => a.id) } };
}, {
field: 'assistant copro',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.roles.findOne({
where: {
name: 'coowner_assistant',
resource_type: 'Place',
resource_id: contract.placeIdKey
include: [{
model: models.identities,
as: 'identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles'
}).then(role => `${role ? role.identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles[0].firstName : ''} ${role ? role.identitiesThroughIdentitiesRoles[0].lastName.toUpperCase() : ''}`),
search: async (query, search) => {
const { QueryTypes, Op } = models.objectMapping;
const split = search.split(' ');
// NOTICE: complexe raw query to gather all ids from the places collection that match your business needs
const contractsIds = await models.connections.default.query(`
SELECT contracts.id FROM contracts
INNER JOIN places ON places.id = contracts.place_id
INNER JOIN roles ON places.id = roles.resource_id
INNER JOIN identities_roles ON identities_roles.role_id = roles.id
INNER JOIN identities ON identities.id = identities_roles.identity_id
WHERE roles.name = 'coowner_assistant'
AND roles.resource_type = 'Place'
AND (identities.first_name ILIKE '%${split[0]}%'
OR identities.last_name ILIKE '%${split[0]}%'
OR identities.last_name ILIKE '%${split[1]}%'
OR identities.last_name ILIKE '%${split[1]}%')`,
{ type: QueryTypes.SELECT });
// NOTICE: fill the where condition with a simple `id in (ArrayOfIds)` to match ids returned by the complexe query making the polymorphic joins
const searchCondition = { id: { [Op.in]: contractsIds.map(a => a.id) } };
}, {
field: 'cgu acceptees',
type: 'String',
get: contract => models.identities.findOne({
where: { id: contract.identityIdKey },
include: [{
model: models.users,
as: 'user'
}).then(identity => identity && identity.user && identity.user.termVersionSyndicone ? identity.user.termVersionSyndicone : '')
segments: [],
I edit a record as so :
router.put('/contracts/:id', permissionMiddlewareCreator.update(), (request, response, next) => {
// Learn what this route does here: https://docs.forestadmin.com/documentation/v/v6/reference-guide/routes/default-routes#update-a-record
const recordSerializer = new RecordSerializer({ name: 'contracts' });
const contract_id = parseInt(request.params.id, 10);
const data = request.body.data.attributes;
let body = { contract: {} };
if (data.occupant != null || typeof data.occupant !== 'undefined') { body.contract.occupant = data.occupant; }
if (data.reminderGroup) { body.contract.reminder_group = data.reminderGroup; }
axios.put(`${API_URL}/forest_admin/contracts/${contract_id}`, body, {
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
'X-CURRENT-USER-EMAIL': request.user.email
}).then(async res => {
console.log(await recordSerializer.serialize(res.data));
response.send(await recordSerializer.serialize(res.data));
}).catch(err => {
The strangest thing happens :
Here is some data returned by the API :
id: 812,
reminder_group: 2,
place_id: 185,
customer_reference_number: '9213853',
last_reminder_group_update: '2022-01-05',
display_name: '9213853 ()',
amount: 0,
created_at: '2022-01-03T18:03:51.552+01:00',
updated_at: '2022-01-05T16:29:33.064+01:00',
parcel_sergic_id: null,
sergic_update_time: null,
customer_key: null,
invited_count: 0,
report_account_entry_amount: 0,
report_account_entry_operation_date: null,
deleted_at: null,
identity_id: 870,
coowner_amount: 0,
pending_amount: 0,
due_date: null,
occupant: null,
start_date: null,
end_date: null,
integration_completed: null
and once this record is serialized, it looks as so:
data: {
type: 'contracts',
id: '812',
attributes: {
'reference immeuble': '',
'nom complet': '',
'ID client': '',
civilite: '',
nom: '',
prenom: '',
telephone: '',
'telephone domicile': '',
email: '',
lots: '',
Mandataire: undefined,
'Telephone mandataire': undefined,
'Email mandataire': undefined,
'Adresse mandataire': undefined,
'nature juridique': null,
'appels de charges dematerialisees': false,
'convocation ag': 'paper_only',
'statut du mandat Yousign': 'unsigned',
'derniere modification': 2022-01-03T16:03:51.605Z,
'Envoi de la convoc AG au mandataire': false,
'Envoi des charges au mandataire': false,
'Mode de paiement': null,
'Mandat de prelevement recu': null,
solde: null,
'niveau de relance': '',
'date de derniere relance': null,
'alerte traitee': '',
commentaire: '',
id: 812,
amount: 0,
occupant: null
relationships: {
comptes: [Object],
'ecritures-comptables': [Object],
emails: [Object],
tickets: [Object],
parcelsThroughParcelContracts: [Object],
contractParcel: [Object],
managementFees: [Object],
contractDocuments: [Object],
accountEntries: [Object],
alerts: [Object],
publicWorkDetails: [Object],
convocationSettings: [Object],
preEtatDateRequests: [Object],
contractRepartitionKeys: [Object],
waterReadings: [Object],
roles: [Object]
As you can see, the fields ‘nom’, ‘prenom’, ‘telephone’… aren’t part of the record but smart fields.
These smart fields are not re-computed and disappear from the screen after Edit.
I have to manually refresh my page to have my smart fields re-computed.
Expected behavior
My smart fields should still be visible after Edit
Please provide in this mandatory section, the relevant information about your configuration:
- Project name: Sergic
- Team name: Gestion
- Environment name: Dev
- Agent type & version:
“forest-express”: “^7.9.4”,
“forest-express-sequelize”: “^7.12.3”, - Recent changes made on your end if any: none