Could you show me how tokenData looks like just before you call triggerSmartAction ?
I apologize that it’s stringified - the object was getting truncated in the console…
{"paymentMethod":"CARD","name":"Jonathan Consumer","token":"pm_1R1VwfGSHfrL4SR9YCxanwlF","last4":"4242","type":"visa","expiry":"2026-02-01","billingZip":"87505","subscriptionId":"sub_81c059d6-d598-55f1-8c6e-56163c448bdb","vendor":"stripe"}
Hello @Brett_Belka !
We indeed identified a bug. A fix is already ongoing and is about to be released.
As soon as you can benefit from it, I will send you another message in that thread to make you aware of it.
Sorry again for the inconvenience,
See you soon !
Hello @Brett_Belka
A fix has been released and is now live.
Can you confirm here that your smart action works as on now ?
Thanks in advance.