Suppport for express/mongoose integration on TypeScript project

Hey :grinning: I’m working on a TypeScript project with mongoose and I want to integrate forest with express/mongoose into my project. The problem is that the steps in the installation are in javascript so that has generated me several problems. I tried to add the code of step 2 of the installation translated to typscript (attached image below) but there is no case, it get stuck on ‘Waiting for your backend to run’ on the section ‘Create your admin backend’ and obtaining in console:
OPTIONS /forest 404 58 - 6.321 ms
OPTIONS /forest 404 58 - 0.944 ms
OPTIONS /forest 404 58 - 0.840 ms

Can anyone help me with some express/mongoose project source code or tell me what I should add to my project to make it work? Thank you very much.


Set up information:
“typescript”: “^4.3.4”
@types/express”: “^4.17.12”,
“mongoose”: “^5.12.14”,
“forest-express-mongoose”: “^8.2.0”,

Hello @usr1vang and welcome to the ForestAdmin community.

This article in our Woodshop should help you if you didn’t already use it:

I see that you are using a class-based initialisation, which is a bit different from what we suggest.
The 404 error on /forest usually means that the express routes created by Forest are not properly registered.

Could you try the code samples from our doc to first ensure that your Forest project works before properly integrating it within your codebase?