Synchronization of the database and forest

Feature(s) impacted

The features addressed are the models, the .forestadmin-schema.json file and the synchronization between our database and forest.

Observed behavior

I currently have in my database a field named token.

And in the models forest file, I have the token field as below.

However, in the .forestadmin-schema.json file I don’t see a token field. Also on forest admin I don’t see this field either.

Expected behavior

What is expected is that I have the token field on forest and in the .forestadmin-schema.json file


  • Project name: Nostrum Care Gateway
  • Team name: Operation
  • Environment name: Local
  • “forest-express-sequelize”: “^7.0.0”,
  • “sequelize”: “~5.15.1”,

Hello @jacques_liao,

Did you made your changes in the development environment first?

:warning: Remainder: the .forestadmin-schema.json file is only recomputed in development. You need to make your changes in development first then update your production (including .forestadmin-schema.json using your version control system → git)

Let me know if it helps.

Kind regards,

Hello @morganperre

The problem is solved in fact the concern come to my side :sweat_smile:
Sorry for the inconvenience !

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