The .forestadmin-schema.json file does not exist


I’m trying to deploy a forest-admin project on kube but I got this error.

[forest] 🌳🌳🌳  The .forestadmin-schema.json file does not exist.
[forest] 🌳🌳🌳  The schema cannot be synchronized with Forest Admin servers.

I went into the cluster with the shell and the file is existing…

Is there a solution ?

Hi @Hsohm :wave:, Can you give me more informations about your project name, your installation methods how do you package and run your container on kube please.

Hello @Arnaud_Moncel,

The projets name is cajole-admin and sponsoplus-admin, the problem is on the two projects.

The installation is done by docker build . and docker push on our registry using the Dockerfile created on the generation of the project.

We created deployment and exposed on the url,Your application is running!” is displayed.

The missing file is on the root of the project, we can see it by executing a shell on the container and running a ls -la to see hidden files.

Thank you in advance,

Can you share with us your Dockerfile. You can take a look at this thread and try to have something like this

FROM node:10-alpine
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . .
RUN npm install 
CMD ["npm", "start"]

Here is the Dockerfile generated by forest-admin

FROM node:10-alpine
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# install node_modules in another directory to easy mount folder for develoment purpose
ENV NODE_PATH=/usr/src/node_modules
COPY . .
RUN npm install -s --prefix /usr/src .
CMD ["npm", "start"]

Have you try the Dockerfile above ? It should work for you.
Let me know.

I just tried the Dockerfile above, It works !

However a problem is still present, the Dockerfile generated by forest-admin is not good for deployment on Kube but you solved It, thanks !

Best regards,

Yes, thank for your feedback we have opened a bug report on this.

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