Type TSVECTOR is not handled


When installing using PostgreSQL on my rails application i receive this error

Type TSVECTOR is not handled: The column full_text_index won’t be generated by lumber. If you need it please create it manually.

This is the full log after executing the lumber command using npm: `
✓ Connecting to your database

Type TSVECTOR is not handled: The column full_text_index won’t be generated by lumber. If you need it please create it manually.
Type TSVECTOR is not handled: The column full_text_index won’t be generated by lumber. If you need it please create it manually.
Type TSVECTOR is not handled: The column full_text_index won’t be generated by lumber. If you need it please create it manually.
Type TSVECTOR is not handled: The column full_text_index won’t be generated by lumber. If you need it please create it manually.
✓ Analyzing the database
:heavy_multiplication_x: Creating your project on Forest Admin
An unexpected error occurred. Please reach out for help in our Developers community (https://community.forestadmin.com/) or create a Github issue with following error: Error: Unprocessable Entity`

Please provide any relevant information about your setup.

  • Package Version: 6.14.11
  • Express Version: 4.17.1
  • Database Version: postgres 12
  • Project Name: Adminecu

Hello @Total_Destruction,

Could you please tell me a bit more about your project?

You project is setup as a Rails environment, but Lumber is for to creating a dedicated JS/Express application.

You can either install our gem into your application to “include” Forest within you code base, or create a JS application on the side with Lumber.

The message about TSVECTOR is a warning but should not prevent the project creation.

Hope this helps