An error occurred when creating your agent: r.startsWith is not a function

Feature(s) impacted

Database connection

Observed behavior

When I try to connect my postgres db (cokroachdb) with a Connection URI, it returns the following error message:

An error occurred when creating your agent: r.startsWith is not a function. You can check your credentials, retry or try a local installation method instead.

Expected behavior

It should connect the database


  • Project name: PandasAI
  • Team name: Sinaptik
  • Environment name: N/A
  • Agent (forest package) name & version: N/A (cloud version, instant setup)
  • Database type: postgres (cockroachdb)
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: N/A

We have tried to onboard a project with cokroachdb database and there is no error.
Can you share a scenario to reproduce the bug?
In the scenario, we want to know if you use the connection string or the form to fill in the database credentials.
Also, can you share your connection string without private informations like the password or the domain. :pray:

Sure, here it is:


We’ve found the bug. It’s related to your database. It occurred when we calculated your database schema. Can you share your db schema with us in a private message, it will help us to debug ? Sorry :face_with_head_bandage:

We have created a bug ticket! I’ll keep you posted.

After an investigation, we don’t support the cokroachdb database, sorry :confused: I wiil push it in on our feature request board. :pray:

Thanks a lot for letting me know :slight_smile:

Best regards,

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