Array type filelds

Trying to add multiple files to the database in models i have a type: DataTypes.STRING, in the SQL i have a data type = varchar(MAX). How can i solove this problem if lumber don’t accept data type = varbinary(MAX)

Hello @Kamil,

Can you share more informations ? Are you using forest-express-sequelize or an other liana ?

Here is the template :


Please provide any relevant information about your setup.

  • Package Version:
  • Express Version:
  • Sequelize Version:
  • Database Dialect:
  • Database Version:
  • Project Name:

Thanks in advance.

Yes, i am using forest-express-sequelize.
Express Version: express@4.17.1

Hi @Kamil,

I don’t know what type of DB your using but the issue comes from Sequelize. You need to override the file by yourself to the VARBINARY types. Here’s a thread on stack overflow.
