Asking Help on Putting Custom Actions in Forest Administration Into Effect

Hello Forest Admin Community!

I’m using Forest Admin to effectively handle my backend operations while working on a project. I would really appreciate your advice and ideas on the best course of action since I’ve come across a case where I need to create some custom actions.

In particular, I want to design custom actions that enable me to carry out specific actions in my application that aren’t addressed by Forest Admin’s basic functionalities. Batch processing, data manipulation, and interfaces with outside systems are just a few of these responsibilities.

Although the Forest Admin material is a fantastic place to start, I’m looking to learn some best practices and real-world experiences from the community here. I’ve looked through the documentation.

I want to know :point_down:

Which particular libraries or tools have you found to be effective when creating custom actions?

In order to maintain security, how do you manage authorization and authentication for bespoke actions?

Is there any requirement to do sap analytics cloud certification for any kind of advancement? In addition, I would be very appreciative :+1: if someone could offer any samples or bits of code. It would be really beneficial to see how others have addressed comparable issues in order to provide guidance for my own implementation.

I appreciate your help :pray: and time in advance. As I continue to explore and grow with Forest Admin, I’m looking forward to tapping into this community’s expertise and hopefully giving something back.

Hello @Dann,

Do you host your agent or are you using the cloud solution (Forest Admin connecting to your db)? If you’re hosting the agent, please share with us the stack that is used ; it will help a lot answering your question about the tools and libraries.

If you are using the cloud solution, you can customize Forest Admin by writing TypeScript code and integrating with the agent.

Authorization to launch actions defined in Forest Admin can be managed by configuring roles. On critical actions, it’s also possible to require the approval from another person.

I don’t know about SAP certifications, but if you have more specific questions about the solution I’m sure we’ll be able to help you.