Bug in search with pagination

Feature(s) impacted

Search in collections and pagination.

Observed behavior

When starting from a collection view, browse to the next page.
When looking up data that does not exist, the following appears (which is fine):

But if I try to find a record that I know exists:

Expected behavior

Upon finding data and realizing that there isn’t enough rows to go up to the current page, the front-end should either:

  • Go to page 1
  • Snap to the last page

Not sure which is more logical tbh. I’d say going to page 1 maybe?


  • Agent technology: nodejs
  • Agent (forest package) name & version: forest-nodejs-agent 1.51.0
  • Database type: MSSQL
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: N/A

Indeed, this behavior needs to be improved. I’m asking the product team how to solve the problem. I’m also going to create a bug ticket because in any case you shouldn’t come across an empty page. :folded_hands:

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