I have been able to load the API dataSource without any issue but once i attempt to make a relationship from my postgres data source to the api datasource I’m getting this error
MissingCollectionError: Collection ‘deposits’ not found. List of available collections:
below is the code that i use to make the relationship
// Step 3: Add the one-to-many relation (from 'profilesUser' to 'deposits')
collection.addOneToManyRelation('relatedDeposits', 'deposits', {
originKey: 'customer_id',
targetKey: 'quickbooksId',
Failure Logs
Project name: Ourboro
Team name: Customer Experience
Environment name:
Agent technology: nodejs
Agent (forest package) name & version: agent 1.41.11
sorry i just made the updates to the post yes I’ve checked for typos and everything is accurate, i believe it has to do maybe with the loading of the dataSources
it has to do maybe with the loading of the dataSources
Do you see the expected collections from your API datasource in the frontend ? (if you go to editor mode and check for hidden collections)
If possible could you share the way you declared both datasources (the postgre on and the api ?) in your node-js agent ? You may send it in private and/or with obfuscated credentials if you must