Create Rest API with localhost

Dear all,
I would like to ask you, if it is possible to test REST API with the backend on localhost.

Expected behavior

I would like to test REST API same as it works with Postman.

This is just working fine.

Actual behavior

If I am trying to use the same setup with ForestAdmin, it fails.

The warning is just “Failed to fetch”.


Project Name: QMS
Backend uses Nestjs, version 7.6.15 + TypeOrm
Database: postgres

As already mentioned, Postman has no problem to access the data.

Thank you for your help,


Hi @Vaclav :wave: welcome to our community !
Have got any error logs in your browser console ?
Who explain a little bit more the problem ?

Hey @Arnaud_Moncel , thank you for the fast reply.
Yes, there are error logs, here they are.


Thank you!

Hum :thinking: your browser seems to block the request actually. Have you got any extension of something like that who can block it ?

Hi @Arnaud_Moncel, I fixed that finally by enabling CORS in develpoment by “app.enableCors()”

Thank you for your help!

Ok all right ! Your welcome