Date field, display settings, conditional formatting: strange behaviour

Hi Forest guys.
I’m experiencing something strange that I can’t understand. Maybe I’m missing something, so I have decided to ask for your help. :pray:

I have a date field. In the list view, I want to conditional format the dates. The required colors are: green if the date is in the past, red if the date is in the future. But I can just obtain the opposite result:

Screenshot 2022-03-10 at 15.26.41

This dates are in the future so I want them red.

This is the field configuration:

“Is in the future” condition should display the RED date.

“23 lug 2022” (“lug” in italian is “july”) is in the future because today is 10/03/2022 but the color shown is green!
The same happens with all the other dates.

What am I doing wrong?

Tank you,

Hi @Matteo

I’ll try to reproduce your issue on a test project and come back to you

Thank you @anon39940173
an additional information: the sequelize datatype of that field in DATEONLY.

And this is the relevant part of the file .forestadmin-schema.json:

      "field": "initialStartDate",
      "type": "Dateonly",
      "defaultValue": null,
      "enums": null,
      "integration": null,
      "isFilterable": true,
      "isPrimaryKey": false,
      "isReadOnly": false,
      "isRequired": true,
      "isSortable": true,
      "isVirtual": false,
      "reference": null,
      "inverseOf": null,
      "validations": [{
        "message": null,
        "type": "is present",
        "value": null

We’re using forest-express-sequelize version 7.9.3

Thank you,

Hi @anon39940173
Did you fix something?
Today it looks like it works correctly!!

Screenshot 2022-03-11 at 10.16.12