Hi everyone,
I wasn’t able to find anything related to my question in the docs, so I was wondering if anyone could give me a hint.
I have some nested properties in my mongoose schema, e.g.
'field': {
'nestedField': {
'date': Number,
'age': Number,
'status': String,
and I want to display them as a flat structure in collections table as a separate fields. I’d also like to preserve the ability to sort and filter the fields, so if I accomplish this using smart fields, I won’t be able to do that. Any advice will be highly appreciated.
Hi @Dmytro,
Welcome to the Forest Admin Community !
I’m not sure to understand your need but maybe you could take a look at ForestAdmin smart collections.
This way you could build your own collection with a flatten nested field and define by yourself the search and filter.
I hope this help
Hello, Valentin. Thank you for your advice. I implemented this using smart fields!
@anon37102731, may I also ask you about this topic:
GET /forest/{modelName}/{id}/relationships/{hasManyRelationName}.csv ⟶ Download and export of an has many relationships
I have route GET ‘/games/:recordId/relationships/users’ (which works fine) but when I add GET ‘/games/:recordId/relationships/users.csv’ it doesn’t seem to work. Adding a smart action for this doesn’t work either. Do you have any examples how this can be implemented?
Thank you so much for your assistance.
Hello @Dmytro 
What do you mean by it doesn't seem to work
This call is performed when you try to export the data from a related data
section of a record.
Here is an example:
Here it will target the said url, because I’m trying to exports the activity logs
(the relationShip) from a user.