What is the feature?
Add an email address edit widget.
What problem does this solve for you?
Email addresses are a horrible, horrible, horrible piece of technology. So many things can go wrong when typing them. There’s a world between what’s a valid, RFC-compliant email address and what’s actually used in the wild.
That being said, being able to run basic validation on email addresses would be fantastic. For example:
- Errors on syntactically incoherent emails (no @, two @*…)
- Warnings on strange things. Non-ASCII characters (éric.durand@gmail.com), potentially pointless caps**, an email with a + suffix, etc.
*: Yes, technically an email with two @ can be valid. But would you want it in your database?
**: Yes, technically emails can be case-sensitive. I’m not sure anyone should care.
Who else would be using this feature?
Anyone using or editing email fields.