[Enum] field type broken?

(this is really blocking our business operations, the behavior is the same accross all smart actions using a field with type [Enum]).

Expected behavior

Example with a specific action, this behavior is the same accross all smart actions using a field with type [Enum].

I have a Smart action called ‘:gem: Initialize payment’.

with fields:
“fields”: [{
“field”: “Billing Entity”,
“type”: [“Enum”],
“default_value”: null,
“enums”: null,
“is_required”: true,
“reference”: null,
“description”: “Please keep only 1 billing entity from the list below”,
“position”: 0,
“widget”: null
}, {
“field”: “Payment Mean”,
“type”: [“Enum”],
“default_value”: null,
“enums”: null,
“is_required”: true,
“reference”: null,
“description”: “Please keep only 1 payment mean from the list below”,
“position”: 1,
“widget”: null

I have a route post ‘actions/initialize-payment/values’ => ‘payments#initialize_payment_values’

This method returns an array like:
{:“Billing Entity”=>[[“Okarito FRANCE SAS”, 1], [“Okarito Italia SA”, 384]],
:“Payment Mean”=>[“Okarito bank account #2”, 208]}

We expect these values to show in the UI, in the fields of the action.

Actual behavior

Since today, these values don’t show (only an empty dropdown) - staging and production.

Failure Logs

No relevant log.


We tested with versions 5.2 and 3.3. Rails liana.

Hello @remi_okarito :wave:

I suspect a character issue here (you have a diamond emoji in your smart action name).

Can you try again without the diamond emoji please ?


Hi. I have had emojis in my action names for 2 years now.
I will try now without an emoji.

Hi @remi_okarito

If I understand well you “Billing Entity” and “Payment Mean” multiple values inputs are supposed to be pre-filled with [[“Okarito FRANCE SAS”, 1], [“Okarito Italia SA”, 384]] and [“Okarito bank account #2”, 208]. But that’s not the case anymore.

Do you have the second input displayed too? “Payment Mean” seems to be missing in the form in your screenshot.

Do you have any error in your browser console that could help?

Thanks for your responses.

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Hello Arnaud, thanks. I’ll try to give more input:

  1. I removed the emoji in the name. Didn’t fix

  2. The fields after the field with type [Enum] are indeed missing. For example for this action:
    action ‘Add ancillary’, type: ‘single’, fields: [
    field: ‘travellers’,
    description: ‘For which travellers do you want to assign this ancillary?’,
    type: [‘Enum’],
    is_required: true
    field: ‘trips’,
    description: ‘On which trips is the ancillary valid?’,
    type: ‘Enum’,
    enums: [‘All trips’, ‘outbound’, ‘inbound’],
    is_required: true

All fields after the ‘travellers’ enum are missing.

But if I comment out the field with ‘Enum’ type, everything is back normal.

I indeed have errors in console

Hello @remi_okarito thanks for the details.

I am able to reproduce, I created a ticket, we will release a fix as soon as possible.

Sorry for the inconvenience, I will keep you intouch.


Thank you Steve, this is definitely critical for our business operations (we really like this [‘Enum’] type here at Okarito). Do you think you will be able to release a fix by tonight ?


Hello @remi_okarito,

Yes, the release is ongoing, I will ping you back once the release has finished.


Hello @remi_okarito :wave:

A fix has just been released, can you confirm things are back to normal please ?


Everything back to normal! Thank you :pray:.

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