Error: Failed to push branch: source and destination environments must have the same schema

Expected behavior

Running forest push -e Staging pushes my branch to my Staging environment

Actual behavior

Getting an error.

Failure Logs

Error: Failed to push branch: source and destination environments must have the same schema


Please provide any relevant information about your setup.

  • Package Version: ^8.0.5
  • Express Version: ^4.17.1
  • Sequelize Version: ^6.6.2
  • Database Dialect: postgres
  • Database Version: 11
  • Project Name: forest-api

Hello @cooki,

This error comes when .forestadmin-schema.json files are not the same on both environments.
You can sync the model files, restart your servers, it will automatically update this file and then retry.

I hope it helps.

Hey @Guillaume_Cisco after further investigation, the problem is caused by our DNS service provider, thanks!

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