Fail to update our schema in production

Feature(s) impacted

Failed to update our Forest Schema in our production environment

Observed behavior

After a successful code deployment we got an error message that there is a failure with updating schema in production

Expected behavior

Schema will be updated successfully

Failure Logs

:deciduous_tree::deciduous_tree::deciduous_tree: The schema cannot be synchronized with Forest Admin servers.
:deciduous_tree::deciduous_tree::deciduous_tree: NODE_ENV is not set to “development”, the schema file will not be updated.


  • Project name: Empathy
  • Team name: All teams (i.e Engineering, Tech…)
  • Environment name: Production
  • Agent technology: (nodejs, php, rails, python): Nodejs
  • Agent (forest package) name & version: 9.3.20
  • Database type: Postgres

Hi @Avishai_Lippner ,

From what environment did you deploy to production ?

it works for us on the local environment (development | dankoren).
But when deploying to production, it doesn’t update the schema

Hello @Dan_Koren et @Avishai_Lippner,

Looking at your logs, you are probably missing the .forestadmin-schema.json in your production server.

  • Is there any more logs explaining the issue ? (Looking at the code, you should see a more detailed information)

Most of the time, this file is created in your development environment than pushed to a versioning mechanism to finally be used by the production environment when you deploy your new code.

You can find the related documentation in here. :pray:

Let me know if it works for you.

Kind regards,

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