Field "role" not displayed on model view

Expected behavior

I have a field “role” on a user model. The field should be displayed in my model view

Actual behavior

the field is not picked up (not in forestadmin.schema.json) and therefore not displayed.

Field declaration role: { type: DataTypes.TEXT, field: "role", allowNull: true, },

We have no problems on our API; the field can be used properly


Please provide any relevant information about your setup.

  • Package Version:
  • Express Version:
  • Sequelize Version: 3.2.3 (FA Sequelize version)
  • Database Dialect: SQL
  • Database Version: psql 9.6
  • Project Name: Askeet

Hello @Benoit_Dambreville :wave:

Welcome to our new community :confetti_ball:

Did you restarted your server after the model changes?


Hello Steve.

Thank you.

I did. The field is never picked up. At the same time i added two other fields and they were picked up. I have no error log.

Turns out we swiched the source of parsing and i didn’t know… solved

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