Forest Admin "Please verify that you amin is set up correctly"

Hi @GuillaumeGautreau .
I went all they way creating a new client_id. I can verify in a rails console of that environment I am getting
The new client_id which I just generated by checking ForestLiana.forest_client_id . However the server from the Forest liana gem keeps sending an other value which is nowhere in an ENV variable or credentials.

I had a look on the source and looks like there is some caching on your side using Rails.cache

Apart from that I can see that my is present for that given url which means you are returning to me an old (deleted client) that does not exist anymore.

Only if that ( ) does not return a value you will only then try to generate this again using my ForestLiana.forest_client_id, here forest-rails/oidc_client_manager.rb at 3fb83d17e2cfa8aa6148f90eba1f62748e938135 · ForestAdmin/forest-rails · GitHub

Am I following this correctly?
