Forest new agent - getRecord returns undefined

Feature(s) impacted

Adding Action to collection.

Observed behavior

Code source section:

 collection.addAction("Statuer", {
      scope: "Single",
      form: [
          label: "Nouveau status",
          type: "Enum",
          enumValues: ["A traiter", "Matcher", "Refuser", "Stand-by"],
          isRequired: true,
          label: "WP objet",
          type: "String",
          value: async context => {
            if (context.hasFieldChanged('Nouveau status')) {
              const status = context.formValues['Nouveau status'];
              if (status === "Matcher") {
                const cand = (await context.getRecord(['id_tutor', 'c_user:user_first_name']))
                const offre = (await context.getRecord(['id', 'c_besoin:child_id', 'c_besoin:child:address_street', 'c_besoin:child:address_town', 'c_besoin:child:code_postal', 'c_besoin:level', 'c_besoin:user:user_gender', 'c_besoin:user:location_details', 'c_besoin:type', 'c_besoin:nb_seances_hebdo', 'c_besoin:details', 'c_besoin:user:user_last_name', 'c_besoin:user_id', 'c_besoin:child:prenom', 'c_besoin:matieres', 'c_besoin:duree_seance']));
                console.log('cand ==', {cand});
                console.log('offre ==', {offre});

When I select : “Matcher” I got this error:

Failure Logs

cand == { cand: undefined }
offre == { offre: undefined }
error: [500] POST /forest/_actions/c_candidatures/0/statuer/hooks/change - 1282ms

===== An exception was raised =====
POST /forest/_actions/c_candidatures/0/statuer/hooks/change?{
 timezone: Africa/Algiers

Body {
 data: {
  attributes: {
   fields: [
     field: Nouveau status,
     type: Enum,
     reference: null,
     enums: [
      A traiter,
     description: null,
     isRequired: true,
     value: Matcher,
     previousValue: A traiter,
     searchValue: null,
     widgetEdit: {
      name: dropdown,
      parameters: {
       static: {
        values: null
       isSearchable: false,
       placeholder: null
     isReadOnly: null,
     hook: changeHook
     field: WP objet,
     type: String,
     reference: null,
     enums: null,
     description: null,
     isRequired: null,
     value: null,
     previousValue: null,
     searchValue: null,
     widgetEdit: {
      name: text editor,
      parameters: {
       placeholder: null
     isReadOnly: null
     field: WP Message,
     type: String,
     reference: null,
     enums: null,
     description: null,
     isRequired: null,
     value: null,
     previousValue: null,
     searchValue: null,
     widgetEdit: {
      name: text area editor,
      parameters: {
       placeholder: null,
       rows: 6
     isReadOnly: null
   changed_field: Nouveau status,
   ids: [
   collection_name: c_candidatures,
   parent_collection_name: null,
   parent_collection_id: null,
   parent_association_name: null,
   all_records: false,
   all_records_subset_query: {
    fields[c_candidatures]: photo,prenom,tutorWpLink,action_enum,statut,KYC,total_heures,match_sucess,regularite,ecole,note,comment,tutor_red_flag,
    page[number]: 1,
    page[size]: 15,
    filters: {\aggregator\:\and\,\conditions\:[{\field\:\c_besoin:id\,\operator\:\equal\,\value\:1692},{\field\:\action_enum\,\operator\:\not_equal\,\value\:\Refuser\}]},
    sort: -id,
    timezone: Africa/Algiers
   all_records_ids_excluded: [],
   smart_action_id: c_candidatures-Statuer,
   signed_approval_request: null
  type: custom-action-hook-requests

 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'c_besoin') 

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'c_besoin')
    at value (/home/adel/clevermate/clevermate-deploy/clevermate-forest-v2/forest/c_candidatures.ts:152:28)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async Promise.all (index 2)
    at async /home/adel/clevermate/clevermate-deploy/clevermate-forest-v2/node_modules/@forestadmin/datasource-customizer/src/decorators/actions/collection.ts:313:24
    at async Promise.all (index 1)
    at async ActionCollectionDecorator.getForm (/home/adel/clevermate/clevermate-deploy/clevermate-forest-v2/node_modules/@forestadmin/datasource-customizer/src/decorators/actions/collection.ts:109:20)
    at async ActionRoute.handleHook (/home/adel/clevermate/clevermate-deploy/clevermate-forest-v2/node_modules/@forestadmin/agent/src/routes/modification/action/action.ts:163:18)
    at async ErrorHandling.errorHandler (/home/adel/clevermate/clevermate-deploy/clevermate-forest-v2/node_modules/@forestadmin/agent/src/routes/system/error-handling.ts:24:7)
    at async Logger.logger (/home/adel/clevermate/clevermate-deploy/clevermate-forest-v2/node_modules/@forestadmin/agent/src/routes/system/logger.ts:20:7)
    at async bodyParser (/home/adel/clevermate/clevermate-deploy/clevermate-forest-v2/node_modules/koa-bodyparser/index.js:78:5)

Expected behavior

fill the value of field “WP objet” while changing “Nouveau status”

  • Project name: clevermate v2
  • Environment name: dev
  • Agent technology: (nodejs,
  • Agent (forest package) name & version: 1.55.1
  • Database type: postgres
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: …

Hello @Adel_de_Clevermate,

I see that you were able to resolve the previous issue, that looks very related to this one, by redefining the replaceFieldOperator on your collection.

I would also suspect the same issue for your c_candidatures collection as I see a similarly named field: action_enum. Would it happen to be the same case of a smart field with a replaceFieldOperator defined on your collection ?

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Hi @dogan.ay ,

Yes actually it is related to the same problem, this one also is resolved by the same Sollution ( by redefining the replaceFieldOperator)

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