(Ok so this is a message I started on Friday - but I thought that the outcome was a bit deceptive)
Not a lot of opportunities to work on this topic in the last few days - as I spent most of my available time trying to link our typescript monorepo to a deno project to investigate further in the code.
It led to a few inconsistency in our code base, especially regarding export
/export type
that I’ll fix in a PR in the next few days.
With the following import map, I was able to run deno on our local dependencies - Maybe there is a better way, but I’m no deno expert …
"imports": {
"@forestadmin/agent": "../agent-nodejs/packages/agent/src/index.ts",
"@forestadmin/datasource-customizer": "../agent-nodejs/packages/datasource-customizer/src/index.ts",
"@forestadmin/datasource-toolkit": "../agent-nodejs/packages/datasource-toolkit/src/index.ts",
"@forestadmin/forestadmin-client": "../agent-nodejs/packages/forestadmin-client/src/index.ts",
"object-hash": "npm:object-hash",
"luxon": "npm:luxon",
"stream": "node:stream",
"uuid": "npm:uuid",
"file-type": "npm:file-type",
"antlr4": "npm:antlr4",
"fs/promises": "node:fs/promises",
"koa-bodyparser": "npm:koa-bodyparser",
"json-stringify-pretty-compact": "npm:json-stringify-pretty-compact",
"@koa/router": "npm:@koa/router",
"@koa/cors": "npm:@koa/cors",
"eventsource": "npm:eventsource",
"events": "npm:events",
"superagent": "npm:superagent",
"jsonwebtoken": "npm:jsonwebtoken",
"querystring": "npm:querystring",
"openid-client": "npm:openid-client",
"json-api-serializer": "npm:json-api-serializer",
"crypto": "node:crypto",
"path": "node:path",
"net": "node:net",
"koa": "npm:koa",
"http": "node:http",
"@fast-csv/format": "npm:@fast-csv/format",
"koa-jwt": "npm:koa-jwt",
"forest-ip-utils": "npm:forest-ip-utils",
"fs": "node:fs"
"nodeModulesDir": "manual"
(And this is today’s investigation)
Switched to loggerLevel: "Debug"
, hoping to get more info on what’s going on, with no luck.
Added a bunch of logs, try catches & breakpoints in our @forestadmin/forestadmin-client
integration, still with no luck.
I’ll open a discussion with the team that worked on the SSE integration, just to check if it rings a bell.
(And sorry for the “devlog” aspect of the topic. As I cannot find a lot of time to work on this topic, I try to document here all my tests as much as possible).